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Townhouse Developments
Consulting Civil Engineers - Site Services, Grading & Stormwater Management
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VALDOR has developed several specialized areas of practice related to site plan engineering design, including high-rise mixed use developments, townhouse developments, industrial / commercial developments, educational facilities, seniors buildings and long term care facilities, affordable housing, parks and recreation, municipal buildings, healthcare facilities, places of worship, libraries, aboriginal housing and LEED developments.

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Servicing and Grading Design

Stormwater Management

Design of External Works

Site Access Improvements

Erosion and Sediment Control

Contract Administration

Site Inspections

A selection of TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS for which VALDOR has provided a variety of engineering services is provided below.


Mulock Vistas,

Newmarket, Ontario

Client: Falconcrest Homes

Architect: James Piggott

Valdor was been retained to prepare site servicing and grading plans as well as a functional servicing / stormwater management report in support of the site plan application. The design included directional drilling of sanitary and storm services under a woodlot as well as the extension of a municipal watermain to service the site. The design also included the widening of Mulock Drive to accommodate a

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left turn lane. The stormwater management system was designed to address peak flow control, quality treatment, water balance and phosphorus reduction in accordance with Lake Simcoe Region Conservation criteria.

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Renaissance Court,

Richmond Hill, Ontario

Client: Carrville South Development Corp.

Architect: RN Design

Valdor prepared a stormwater management report and site servicing & grading plan in support of the site plan application. The project included the design of the stormwater detention system to address peak flow control and quality treatment. Low Impact Development (LID) measures in for form of an infiltration trench was incorporated into the design to address the City’s sustainability metrics. Utility co-ordination included establishing the joint trench location and liaising with utility companies.

Woodbridge Park,

Vaughan, Ontario

Client: Sierra Homes

Architect: Kirkor Architects

Valdor was retained to prepare a functional servicing / stormwater management report and site servicing & grading plans in support of the site plan application. The design included the extension of a City of Toronto watermain and sanitary sewer supported by assessment of the downstream sanitary sewer as well as water distribution modelling. The project included the design of the stormwater detention system and utility co-ordination.  The design also includes an infiltration trench to address water balance, erosion & sediment controls and a storm outfall in accordance with the requirement of Toronto Region Conservation. Valdor also provided contract administration services including tendering and inspections during construction.

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Metropolitan Towns,

Pickering, Ontario

Client: Grand Communities

Architect: Hunt Design

Valdor was retained to prepare a functional servicing / stormwater management report and site servicing & grading plans in support of the zoning by-law amendment and site plan applications. Stormwater management measures include a detention tank, a quality treatment unit as well as a perforated pipe system to address water  balance.

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Lytton Park,

Toronto (North York), Ontario

Client: Avenue Lytton Ltd.

Architect: Abbott Design Ltd.

Valdor was retained to prepare a functional servicing / SWM report as well as site servicing & grading plans. An analysis of the existing downstream sanitary sewer was conducted to ensure that there was sufficient capacity for the development in accordance with the City’s Wet Weather Flow Guidelines. Stormwater management measures include detention tanks, a quality treatment unit as well as a cistern for the water re-use for toilet flushing in order to address water  balance.

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King North Towns,

Richmond Hill, Ontario

Client: Fifth Avenue Homes

Architect: RN Design

Valdor prepared a functional servicing report and site servicing & grading plans in support of zoning by-law amendment and site plan applications. With regards to stormwater management, a detention tank provides quantity control and water balance is achieved by infiltration trenches. The design also included the extension of the municipal storm sewer and urbanization of the abutting municipal road allowance. Utility co-ordination included establishing the joint trench location and liaising with utility companies. Valdor also provided contract administration services including tendering and inspections during construction.

Bayview Gardens,

Richmond Hill, Ontario

Client: Empire Walk Estates Inc.

Architect: RN Design

Valdor was retained to prepare a functional servicing report as well as site servicing & grading plans in support of the zoning by-law amendment and site plan application.  The stormwater management solution addressed quantity, quality and water balance. The design included the extension of municipal services along the adjacent public road allowance. Valdor also provided contract administration services including tendering and inspections during construction.

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Copper Trail Creek,

Brampton, Ontario

Client: Sky Homes

Architect: Cassidy & Company

Valdor has been retained to prepare the functional servicing report as well as the site servicing & grading plans and stormwater management report in support of the site plan application. The project includes the design of the stormwater detention system, utility co-ordination and a right turn lane on Queen Street.  The design also includes an infiltration trench to address water balance, erosion and sediment controls and a storm outfall directly to the adjacent watercourse in accordance with the requirement of Credit Valley Conservation. Utility co-ordination included establishing the joint trench location and liaising with utility companies.

Clarence Street Towns,

Brampton, Ontario

Client: Kaleido Corporation

Architect: ICON Architects

Valdor has been retained to prepare the functional servicing report in support of a zoning by-law amendment application. The development includes four buildings containing stacked townhomes above an underground parking garage. The report included the assessment of water demand and wastewater discharge, the sizing of a stormwater detention tank and the analysis of the downstream storm sewer.

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